Saturday, August 4, 2012

Inspiration for Reading Beginners - How should you Introduce Reading for Children

                        If you are a mother who's reading this to take some advice for your child who is going to start learning to read soon or either if you are a teenager who was never interested in reading but now thinking that reading is a good thing and "yeah I should start reading too..", you both are welcome to my post.

                  ... Okay, no favors! Anyone at all is welcome to my post. :) (Either if you are an alien)

Alright, enough with the junk stuff. My main point of posting this post is to present an article for you referring to the story of myself based on how I started reading. I hope it would be an inspiration for anyone who's going to make their little sibling a reader or who's wanting their child to start reading.; Basically for a reading beginner. So together with my reading experiences, I think my post would be complete.

                    I was not into reading novels or really big books when I was little. That's not something odd anyway because kids are usually play time lovers and not readers. At kindergarten I didn't think a lot about reading but I loved looking at all those colorful pictures which were in the books that my parents got for me. I had quite a lot of books with loads of colorful pictures that contained fairy tales. When I was about 3 or 4 years old I remember that I had a lot of books that were in English and I really enjoyed drawing moustaches and odd whikers on all the people's faces and I wanted to eat all the pies and pictures of yummy looking food. I dreamed of owning all those sparkly dresses that queens and princesses were wearing. It was fun making them look sparkle by drawing stars all over those.

                    I had this favourite childhood book that contained stories and poems and I remember that it contained Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Hickory Dickory Dock, Humpty Dumpty and loads of cute stories and poems that came up with beautiful pictures. I didn't think a lot about what people would think if they find out that I was faking but I loved reading all those things ALOUD for the people that visited my house, and it wasn't really reading as I didn't know how to read but quite a lot of blabbering of odd words that I didn't even know the meanings of. :-D

                 Oh my gosh, all the time that I was thinking of myself as the Hero who could read it all, I haven't been that! But instead those people must have had a hard time trying not to laugh at my cute (because I was little) but really idiotic activity. :-P

But I think there might be many kids who have done it ... (what a relief!)

Anyway it was a really pretty fairy tales book. I wish I still had it. Or maybe it's still at home?! A small ray of hope. O:) 

Yup I got to look for it! :)

                  Considering my interest in books just because of colorful pictures when I was little, I think that it's the best way to introduce books for children. With time, my interest grew more and more and I started collecting books that contained pictures. "Seriously, it's no use!" You would think comparing with your age and your passions, but it was a lot for me at that age. Even I don't think it was something useful now, but I think kids would surely love it. I used to have this really big collection of picture books and loved looking at those pictures and imagining them existing in my real life.

                  The hobby of collecting Ladybird - Read it yourself books was started by me at Primary School. This kind of books are great for kids to begin to read, keeping the just-looking-at-pictures thing aside. And a must say is that books by Enid Blyton are great for kids as they are advanced and also kids would really enjoy reading them. So I highly recommend her books for any child.


             After the kids start reading it's your job to have them clung to the books. You can offer them more books gradually increasing how advanced they are. When you do this for a while, they would eventually become book lovers and continue the reading by themselves. Until that they need help. You should gradually offer books increasing books' word count, page count and as well, books decreasing the font sizes; from larger ones to smaller.; Like the way I started reading and then continued into larger books as follows..:

Ladybird - Read it yourself books
  • Level 1
  • Level 2 
  • Level 3 
  • Level 4

Enid Blyton's Books

1. Amelia Jane Series
          Books in this series contain kind of large font and each chapter carries a different story. So one book does not stand to convey one story, it's kind of a collection of seperated little stories. So it's good to begin with.

2. NODDY Series
          Contains smaller font than the Amelia Jane series and also contains longer chapters. One book contains one story which is divided into several chapters.

3. The Magic Faraway Tree Series (4 books)
          Contains small font and long chapters. One book presents one big story which is divided into few long chapters. The volumes of these books are large. Contains a lot of pages. Good for advanced reading.

4. The Wishing Chair Series
           The characteristics of these books are kind of in the middle of NODDY series and The Magic Faraway Tree series. 


           This is a collection of books that contain lots of stories which are not too long, so that those are really enjoyable for kids. They would love the short readings and having lots of totally different stories to read everyday. Each book contains a collection of stories that are not related with one another. Also this book collection is really big so they would have stories to read for ever. 

             When the kids are gotten into the reading routine you can offer them larger, longer, advanced books. At this stage, you come up with tons of choices. Some really popular and bestselling books are:

  • The Famous Five Series
  • Secret Seven Series
  • Nancy Drew Series
  • The Mystery Series
  • Harry Potter Series
  • The Hunger Games
  • Twilight Saga
  • Vampire Diaries
  • MOLLY MOON Series

All these series's are unique and fun to read related with anyone's interest.

                With all the advanced reading, anyone gets know what type of books do they love, what type of books should they read and you wouldn't have to get tired of keeping them clung to the reading routine anymore.

That way, you would succeed. 
I hope my post is an inspiration for anyone who want to have a bit of an advice based on Introducing Reading.  

Good Luck and Happy Reading everyone! :-)

A Taxonomy of Literacies

           When considering Literacy, we can see many different types of it. As for examples in the modern society we can easily trace out computer literacy, scientific literacy, information literacy, media literacy, critical literacy, transliteracy, health literacy, digital literacy and many more other literacies. Ofcourse it is not easy to organize these various kinds of literacies into exact groups or charts. The following is a Taxonomy of Literacies. Check it out.

Friday, August 3, 2012

What is Literacy?

                   As most of us are well grown into professionals in what's called literacy, we all know that it's what can make people full of knowledge, or simply, wise. Briefly and mainly, literacy is the ability to read and write. As the OXFORD Dictionary (8th Edition) defines, the word Literacy stands to mean exactly the above meaning; "The ability to read and write". If anyone could write and read a language, he has the key to sources of knowledge.

The following images are from screen shots while I have opened the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 8th Edition which is installed in my computer. :-)

"Reading makes a man Perfect." ....

                    ... This has always been just a statement to some. But literally, it is not just a statement. We have experienced already that people who read a lot are the ones who take best ranks in school and highest marks at exams. So yeah, obviously the reason is that they read a lot and keep what they read in their memory to use when needed. after schooling they graduate and move into professionals in their major and the better they read, the better they become, day by day. And the higher they qualify, the better their lifestyles become. The root of these everything is literally, literacy.

What is Education?

As a fact, Education cannot be described as one specific thing. Since the day that a baby is born, he seeks, hears, smells and feels everything around him. Since the day that this inexperienced infant begins to feel all these new-to-him things, he experiences them, reacts and learns the things that happen. He learns to react everything he could sense, tries to find what he is, and discovers his abilities by himself. When the infant gradually turns into a school boy, he starts discovering literacy. Step by step he grows into a teenager, discovers a different side in life and moves into the adulthood. Anything will he do, anything will he learn, but as a matter of fact he would never stop learning new things in his life. Though the idea of education is based on literacy in this modern society, all of the above stated facts are parts of anyone's education.

                   But why would people take literacy so differently and importantly? Different than the way they treat all the other things that they learn in their lives?

Let's discuss about it in my next post.. :)